Resume Rescue

Resume Rescue

How To Stand Out and Fit In – At the Same Time

You’re not one of those actors who think fancy fonts and colored paper are going to make a difference for your resume, are you?

I’ve heard that some other supposedly savvy business coaches are teaching folks just that – and that their resume paper should have the color consistency of their “brand”.

Huh?  You’re an actor, not a bottle of water and your “brand” isn’t a label, its the essence of the characters you (are going to) play.

Does your resume show them that?

Do the roles you’ve played up till now give the reader of your resume the exact info they need to audition you/represent you/cast you?

This is a sticky subject.  Directors or not?  Roles or categories?  Do awards count?  Should you have dates, affiliations, 3 columns or 4?

Your head is spinning right?

This is why we created Resume Rescue.

You Know If This Seminar is Right For You If…

You’ve got a ton of credits, but they run the gamut from Shakespeare to comedy improv, experimental theater to cruise ships, staged readings to indie films (with unknown directors) and you’ve got commercials, print and industrials actually listed.  (Huummmmm? What’s so bad about that you ask? – You’ll see.)

You don’t have very many credits at all – just background and/or stuff from school and want to make your resume look as cool as your acting ability.

You have multiple agents, contact info, demo reels, reviews, awards, and are trying to fit it all in on an 8×10 page.

You have credits on your resume that YOU can explain the entire story behind, but they don’t register or connect with anyone else without further explanation.

Standing Out – Fitting In? – What’s That All About?

Your resume isn’t just a road map of where you’ve been, but where you want to go.

Every credit needs to be positioned properly so that the reader immediately identifies what you have to offer and whether you’re a fit for their needs.

Truth is, most actors have no idea how to create a proper, professional show business resume.

Jump in, Learn This, and Get Rescued

  • Find out what casting directors and agents look for first and foremost and how to make what you do stand out for them immediately.
  • Learn the words to ERASE from your resume forever as well as how to showcase your industry connections, display your focus, skill set and special talents.
  • How to create a “mind map” – images for the reader that identify the roles you’re right for but haven’t played yet.
  • Get great info on sizes, fonts, format, structure, labeling and more that will make your resume EASY to read in hard copy, email, and on on-line sites.

What Else You’ll Need

An open mind.

Like getting a hair cut, sometimes less is more and trimming your resume credits can be a little “uncomfortable”.

I say GREAT!  Its time to ACT Outside the Box (had to slip that in).

You’ll need to trust the expert.

Honestly, your resume will look better and you’ll feel better sending it out…especially when you start getting a lot more attention with it.

Just like a great haircut!

Bring your laptop or hard copy resume to work on during the seminar and walk out the door with a GREAT new marketing tool once and for all.

That’s a promise.

How Much It Costs

Certified professional resume writers charge anywhere from $99 to $300 for one page and hundreds more for several pages (regular folk need more space).

Our expert teacher happens to be a certified professional resume writer AND a professional actress.  Wow, how awesome is that? (Its her Flexible Day Job!)

GET IT NOW and learn from home!  This course is available on audio/video!

$29.95 Video Download

$14.95 Audio Download

P.S.  Some really excited actors gave this fabulous feedback directly after taking the seminar.  Check out what they had to say…then don’t delay!

“Just as Michelangelo had to get rid of all the marble chips that had to go to reveal David, I learned tonight to reduce my resume to essentials that will give me direction toward more quality work as a character actor in film. Tracy is alive, sparkling, and charming. Thanks Lisa and Tracy!” ~ Joel Brody

“Thank you for this wonderful seminar. I am leaving with a new sense of direction on marketing my product through a strong resume. I loved learning so much on how to use my resume as a roadmap and how to build it to sell myself professionally and specifically. Again, thank you!”
~Grace M. Kim

“This has been one of the most beneficial classes of my entire career!”
~Kim Harris

“I thought this was a great workshop! Tracy was knowledgeable and energetic. I feel really good about the improvements I am going to be making on my resume and very comfortable with all of the changes she suggested. I would definitely recommend this workshop to anyone who is unsure if their resume is currently working for them.” ~ Elana Pamm

“Informative, very specific – I left much more confident and sure of my product and what I’m selling. Tracy was upbeat and very knowledgeable.” ~ Cameron Foord

“I expected to learn and find out good tips about writing resumes, but I never expected to find someone that well informed, positive and as great as Tracy. Thank you!” ~ Kristi Roosmaa

How to Create a Flexible Day Job

How to Create a Flexible Day Job

Possible, Essential and Easy to Do

You can no longer ignore the fact that you NEED to have a flexible day job.

OK, you’ve searched and searched but have come up empty.  So honestly, what’s missing that you can’t accomplish this simple thing? This absolutely freakin’ necessary thing for you to create an income?  Don’t know?  Read on.

Hey, you like to eat, right?  Gotta pay rent for sure (or live with Mom and Dad, oy vey!)  What about a few magazines, morning lattes, pizza and beer with the gang, and oh yeah, acting classes, headshots, postage, subscriptions, dues, audition clothing and other expenses (lots of them) to make your career happen?

Without money, well, life SUCKS…and it sucks the life right out of you not to have it.  This is a vicious cycle for most starving artists.

Well get ready to fill up your belly, your mind and your vision of your career.

We’ve got the answer.  Really, I promise.

What you don’t know that you don’t know is that you ALREADY possess the knowledge, expertise, and where-with-all to create the PERFECT flexible day job as a companion to your acting career pursuits.  One that you L-O-V-E!

You just need a little guidance, that’s all.

That’s why we’ve created How to Create a Flexible Day Job.

Consider if This Seminar is Right for You

Are you tired of struggling and just barely getting by?  Check.

Are you ready to take on CREATING something for yourself on your own terms?  Check.

Are you tired of working at a job that you hate for a boss that you hate in and industry that you hate (restaurant, phone sales, data entry, perfume spraying)?  Check.

A Few AWESOME Things You’ll Get Out of This Seminar

  • How to find short term jobs to produce immediate income NOW!
  • Engage in practical exercises to determine your “Day Job Skill Set”
  • Find flexible work using the expertise you already have (yes, you have it!)
  • Ways to create an actor-related business of your own
  • Learn to create a valuable service to others that people will be happy to pay for
  • Find your value outside of acting and realize that there’s a market for what you offer
  • Finally figure out what flexible really means (and the benefits to your acting career) when you’re in charge of your own income producing schedule

I Searched High and Low

Honestly, I’ve had a ton of flexible day jobs throughout my acting career and then I decided to buy a “brick and mortar” business that wasn’t so flexible, as a companion to my own acting career.  Boy, did I screw THAT up.

In the end what happened was that I found I LOVED the business side of the biz and my focus changed…but enough about me. (Is there ever enough? Tee hee)

Tracy Costa came into my world as a relief to my overwhelm a few years back, having created her own flexible day job owning and operating a virtual assistant company she created called Gal Friday’s Office.

A working professional actor for over 10 years, she had had all sorts of day jobs that didn’t quite fit her life and acting career goals until she figured it out.

I can’t think of any one more perfect to teach this program.  Because she walks the walk and gives it to you with straight talk.

OK, How Much?

$30 for the video course and only $15 for the same program on audio.  WHAT?

Stopped you in your tracks, right?  It should have.

You can’t get this SPECIFIC info anywhere else.  Honestly, no one, and I mean no one, is teaching this stuff anywhere to the artist community.

Not to sound sarcastic (ok, a little) but if you don’t see an investment of $30 to create your PERFECT flexible day job as minimal at best, as an avenue to you being able to pursue your acting career…well I can’t put the words I’d like to here on the internet.

A business person wanting to own a McDonald’s franchise would have to pay $45,000 just to “qualify” to go to “Hamburger U”…seriously.  Then, if accepted, they get to pay anywhere between $150K and $400K for the actual business, depending on the location.

Annual revenue for a McDonald’s franchise owner?  $347K.  Wow, not bad.  I’ll bet you want to be paid that for acting in a movie…but without the initial investment.  But you don’t want to own a McDonalds, do you?  You want to act.

Point is, $30 bucks will get you started and on the way to do what you WANT instead of what you have to, especially if you don’t have $150K.

Simply choose the way you like to learn and click “Add to Cart.”  Go ahead and GET IT NOW!  Do the course any TIME and any WHERE that works for you.

$29.95 Video Download

$14.95 Audio Download

Here are some great comments from actors who have already taken this course…and by the way, I’ve hired a few! (A Craigslist expert. Really? Yes indeedy.)

“Wow – terrific seminar! Really got the creative juices flowing. I’m really starting to think about what I can do to make additional money. The more I think about it and talk about it, the more I become award of and realize what I can do. I can take this and continue to think, feel, act and have results. Great job. I liked ALL of it, no negatives.” ~ Rebecca Moore

“I’m inspired to think ‘outside the box’ and think about ALL of my talents and skills to make my own schedule. I feel like I have the capacity to be FREE! I can dare to dream and get out of jail from my 9 to 5. I can focus on acting and not getting swallowed up by my day job to pay the bills” ~ Lauren Hoyte

“It was so exciting to see others light up with ideas” ~ Michelle Dyer (Creator of Survival Jobs for Actors)

“Tracy is marvelous – upbeat, kind and empathetic. Also, funny! The class is clear and straightforward and offers solutions that are immediately actionable as well as food for thought. Time and money well spent.” ~ Amanda Jones

“Very useful websites and information offered about getting work fast. I was also scared to start my own business as a tutor, but am now marketing myself instead of working for a company where I’d make less.” ~ Derek Tatum

“Tracy is knowledgeable, energetic, enthusiastic and fun. The seminar was interactive and informative. Lots of good ideas generated…a great start for the current search situation I’m in. Multi-faceted approach, great handouts and resourceful. I highly recommend this program!” ~ Jan Meiselman

“I was skeptical at first but kept an open mind and when asked to fill out the talent and interest form and then start sharing, well the ideas started to bubble up and come to life. I am now leaving excited with new and fun ideas to create my flexible day job.” ~ Cat Migliaccio

“Tracy is wonderful! The seminar was fresh, innovative and it really did open my mind to lots of possibilities. Thank you very much.” ~ Star Davis

Being Your Own CEO Workshop

Being Your Own CEO Workshop

Don’t You Know You’re ALREADY Running a
Small Business called You, Inc.?

In acting school they told you that  if you were talented at your craft that you’d be successful.  It might be a little tough to get started, but OF COURSE you can be a star!

What many acting teachers have left out of the equation is the BUSINESS part.  Yup, you got the SHOW, but that’s only half of it.

And what gets left out is what makes the difference in you having a career for life or throwing in the towel.

I know you know some folks who have given up or will give up shortly ’cause they can’t hack it.  Not the acting part, the business part.

But that’s not you, is it?

You KNOW that you could be very successful and highly acknowledged for your stellar chops.

But where oh where to start?

Whether you’re starting your career path fresh out of the gate or you’ve been at this for a while, FIRST examining the mindset of Being Your Own CEO will get this party started FAST.  Ready?

How To Know If This Program Is For You

You’re into a little bit of control, like me, and you want to be at the cause of the matter, not the effect of the circumstances.

You kinda THINK like an entrepreneur, or at least you’d like to, but don’t know if you have enough experience to figure out this crazy business on your own.

You’re certain that if taught some basics and with a bit of encouragement, you’d put in the time and effort to MAKE IT HAPPEN, despite any given circumstances!

Don’t worry.  I’ve got your back.

And you need to feel that the experience of running your career won’t be overwhelming or take you away from your artistic pursuits, am I right?

If you’re ready to learn how to run your career like the business it is and give it your all, then this is the workshop for you.

A Few of The Amazing Things You’ll Learn

  • The 5 different “departments” you’ve got to focus on in order to have a fully functional business as an actor – CEO, Marketing/PR Director, CFO (the money, honey), Secretary and oh yeah, Artist…I think you’ve got that one down.
  • How to think big but work small in order to focus, focus, focus on the steps that will move your farther, faster toward your goals.
  • How to create a business plan that will make it easy for you to follow a  career path instead of just jonesing for the next gig.  You’ll actually leave the workshop with a plan in place.
  • How to organize your time and prioritize effectively to accomplish the steps in your business plan AND learn a magnificent money management system to help you accomplish your plan more easily.
  • To create habits including the 7 most essential ones that highly effective and successful actors do EVERY DAY
  • How to do today what others won’t so that you can do tomorrow what others can’t!

I can imagine your wheels turning and your brain blaring out loud – “But I’m an actor and all I want to do is ACT!”

Just like all a chef wants to do is cook and make great food and a mom just wants to take care of her kids, or a doctor wants to make others well, we ALL need to do some other things, vitally important things that support our first love.

You will be given info on ways to make the other stuff that may seem like a drag, fun and easy.  You’ll actually learn to love to schedule action items, receive support in accomplishing them, create a money system and then celebrate when you cross the finish line of meeting those fabulous goals.

Hey, time is gonna pass anyway (if you’re lucky, right?) so why not take the bull by the horns?

OK, so what will this FABULOUS workshop cost?

The fact is that its really important for you to be smart with every dollar you spend and I already applaud the CFO inside of you dying to break out and take flight.

I won’t mention the other program’s names, but honestly some folks are charging upwards of $595 to $995 for only HALF of what you learn in this workshop.

True – I should raise my prices soon because so many folks don’t take me seriously because this workshop is soooo inexpensive.

For now, I’m sticking with my low, low price of only $249 for this career changing live day-long program and recordings of the same great workshop for even less!  (TBA in LA and NY )


GET IT NOW and learn from home!  This course is available on audio/video!

$49.95 Video Download

$24.95 Audio Download

P.S.  Here’s some of the really nice things some folks who’ve taken the course had to say about this workshop.

“Lisa, not to get all corny but this workshop was like divine intervention for me. I’ve been completely stuck with no foreseeable plan for moving ahead in my career for at least a year. Now I feel like a weight has been lifted because I now have a manageable plan. It’s amazing to no longer feel overwhelmed by the business side of things, because let’s get serious, we didn’t get this in college. It’s great that you recognized the need for this kind of class and I will definitely tell all of my actor friends that they could benefit from your programs.” ~ Rebecca Moore

“Thank you so much for directing and guiding me through the process of breaking down my major career goals into smaller goals, actions, a time line and ultimately creating a business plan. Now I know what I need to do next year, next month, next week and even tomorrow! I don’t think I would ever be as focused and know what to do each day if I hadn’t taken this workshop.”
~ Jessica Nycole Ralph

“I thought I was coming to a very simple, information packed workshop. Instead I showed up to a workshop that moved me to tears, brought joy, freedom and confidence into my life. I am walking out with a business plan that makes my dream of becoming a successful actress an attainable reality! Thank you, Lisa.” ~ Loren Suliveres

“A great combination of the detailed specifics necessary, as well as intuitive images, to help me learn the methods and structures to move forward. From the near step to take tomorrow to the far away goals in the future, I learned how to connect the two effectively. Thanks, Lisa. This was just what I needed to launch myself here on the “left” coast!” ~ John Rawlinson

“I absolutely loved this class. It was more than I ever expected. The workshop was super informative, fun and a big wake up call. I definitely have a new found appreciation for myself as a model, actress and entrepreneur. Who knew? Thanks for your knowledge, wisdom and BIG personality. You are a breath of fresh air in this industry.” ~ Monique Pridgeon

“Much of what I experienced today I somewhat knew from my own career. What set this workshop apart from other sessions I’ve taken in the past, is both the good, solid info, and Lisa’s wonderful style…down to earth, no nonsense, no candy-coating the industry. I’ll tell others about this workshop because although things and people must continually change, I know Lisa Gold will always be recognizable!” ~ James Briggs Murray

“I always planned on planning my career but never knew how. Leading the life of my dreams always got put on the back burner, as crazy as that may sound. Now I actually have a plan for my next 5 years in 6 hours time! I would never have done this on my own and now I feel like I have a new beginning with a real plan to achieve my goals. Thank you, Lisa! ” ~ Cole Murray

Make Money Acting Workshop

Make Money Acting Workshop

Defining Your Product – Who’s Buyin’ What You’re Sellin’?

Ooooooh, don’t like that word “sell”?  Actually neither do I.  So why use it?

Because in order to become a high profile, well-known and sought after actor, you first have to start with realizing that you ARE a product in a very crowded market place.  People buy products and services.  Casting directors, agents and other industry professionals are people too (despite what you may have heard).

“Whhaaaat?  I’m not a product, I’m an artist!”, you say.  And hey, you’re right.  But your artistry (acting) is the product that’s bought and sold every day in this business of show.

Get it?  It’s a simple, but not very easy, mental shift to make that will make a huge difference.

And I’m here to help.

So What Are You Sellin’?

Want some great news?  You get to CHOOSE it.  It’s a “brand”, and by the way you’re not stuck with it and it will change over time.  But where to start?

First you gotta consider getting off the fence and actually making a choice.  That in and of itself will be the hardest part, trust me.

This Is Perfect For You If . . .

You’re ready to exponentially increase your audition, call back and booking rates.

You need-want-desire-gotta stop submitting for and running around to every audition, right for it or not…just in case.

Simple is your favorite word and you’re willing to work at this stuff, but work smart, not hard.

You want someone to show you a few powerful steps to start kickin’ butt and takin’ names and have THEM know YOUR name too.

Here’s a Few of the Many Amazingly Cool Things You’ll Learn

Through some fun, yet practical hands on exercises,  your “already” essence and character type will begin to reveal itself as you:

    • Practice developing and defining from there what “brand” you’ll choose, using the writer’s archetypes that all roles are created from
    • Start to discover “who” buys you, “where” best to market your “product”, and what they can count on you to deliver EVERY time
    • Learn the 7 essential practices that ALL “regular” marketers know to get the best results with the least effort
    • Find out how to describe yourself and whatcha got in writing, in person and most critically your online profiles that speak to your potential key co-operators and hirers (i.e. casting directors, agents, writers, directors and producers)
    • Shift to and adopt a winning attitude that tons of successful salespeople have without becoming “salesman” like (yup, there’s that word again)
    • Find out how you are perceived from a point of view other than your own.  Wow, that’s HUGE

But Where Does Talent Fit In?

    Everywhere, of course, but later in the process.
    What you’ll discover is that getting in the door is 80% of the battle.  Whew, and once you’re in, then its your role to win with that stellar talent of yours.
    And since great talent is an expectation to start with, most actors will never know what you’ll learn in this workshop.  You’ll have the advantage. Cool or cool?

So How Much is This Awesome Workshop Gonna Cost?

    I get the question and I respect the fact you have to ask it.  My price is low to reflect most actor’s personal economy.
    Abundant thinking isn’t every actor’s forte, even with the most positive person, and you’ve got to watch where you invest.  So I ask how much you think this workshop is worth?  Go ahead, think of a number, then prepare to be amazed.
    Large companies pay tens of thousands of dollars for focus groups and do tons of research and development for weeks, months and even years before even considering putting their products on the market.  Branding is big business!
    Other show business “consultants” charge several hundred to several thousands of dollars to help you with this very problem of figuring out how to best market yourself.   If you do your own research you’ll see exactly how much…
    I don’t expect you to break your bank and don’t think you should have to in order to get what you need.  What it will cost you is a day of your time and – wait for it… $249 bucks.
    Yes, you read it right.  LOW compared to other “niche” courses coming at you from other “self-proclaimed” experts.  My background is extensive with every side of the biz perspectives…Representative, Casting Director, Actor, Marketer, Industry Workshop Owner, Career Consultant and more.
    My low price keeps more actors from spending tons more in the long run and since I’m dedicated to ending this starving artist rap, I’m hoping you’ll take the workshop, do amazing things with the info, and then share what you learned with a fellow actor friend.  True.

Attend Live for Only $249!  COMING SOON TO ZOOM – Get on the LIST to be notified.

LA – Friday, March 6th, 2020
10am to 5pm (1 hour lunch break)
Location: Reproductions
3499 Cahuenga Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90068

CANCELLED due to Covid 19

Can’t make the date or out of town? GET IT NOW and learn from home!  This course is available on audio/video!

$79.95 Video Download

$44.95 Audio Download

“What a God-send this workshop was! I finally feel I know who I am as an actor and what my product is. The group I worked with was so honest, insightful and intelligent. Thanks so much for making this a great day.” ~ Myra Cubero

“Thank you Lisa!! You really shed a lot of light on branding and I feel that I’ve got a great place to begin with defining my product AND now I have something to talk about with a casting director. You are awesome!” ~ George Trahanis

“I really appreciated how positive, informative and to-the-point this Defining Your Product workshop was. This is a facet of my career, the business part, that I have largely left untended to. The feedback and additional exercises have given me a much more positive outlook and I’m actually looking forward to doing what always felt like homework in the past. I will definitely be at future workshops and anticipate making great progress” ~ Fred Rueck

“It was great to get feedback from the other actors as to what my essence and type is in such a supportive environment. It helped solidify what I thought I knew and brought more confidence for my upcoming shoot for headshots. I’m definitely excited about my new marketing materials and you helped me feel like I’m in charge of a part of this crazy career that feels so out of control some times.” ~ Kerry McGann

“FABULOUS! AMAZING information, perspective, an invaluable resource. Contagious! It should be a 2-day workshop!!!” ~ Rachael Pearce

“A very worthwhile workshop – it kicked me in the butt to get organized and think about what casting directors and agents are thinking about. I believe this is going to really jump start my New York career.” ~ Jaris Hanson

“Thank you Lisa, this was well worth the time and money. College did not prepare me for how to continue after I graduated. I feel much more on track starting out and I realize that I am just beginning in this business. Thank goodness for you and these programs. Thank you sooooo much!” ~ Honoree Gibney