Entries by Lisa Gold

Why Does an Agent Want YOU?

Yep as an agent, we know we need wonderfully talented and creative actors to represent, but what’s the real reason behind choosing a particular person to work with? You get to be one of the people responsible for finding the “new face” everyone is talking about.  You are the discoverer of the diamond in the […]

TIME and The Law of Attraction

I believe in savoring each moment while creating what I desire, and I’m no longer in a rush; I’m content knowing that my dreams will come to me in their own time.

Conventional Wisdom Suggests that you Need an Agent, but Do You?

My brand for well over a decade, “How to Get and Keep an Agent”, has been my “hook” to get actors to pay attention to what I teach.  It’s because I know the prevailing thought process of every actor out there, ready for representation or not, is that you need an agent and/or manager to […]

Attract Agents by Knowing Casting Directors

You know the old saying “It’s who you know” that will help you get ahead in this biz.  Well that’s half true. My take on it is “it’s who knows you”. For every agent meeting you take, you’ll be asked “how many casting directors know your work?”  Before you interview, my recommendation is that you […]