Taking Aim – What if You Miss?

Every actor has a dream for themselves and their career. And a goal, after all is a dream with a deadline.  I find it ironic how so many people on the “talent” side of the industry are full of hopes, wishes and dreams, but rarely set goals.  Like shooting an arrow at a target, you have to have something to aim for.

But what if you miss?  In my acting career of over 34 years and my business of show career as a consultant and seminar leader, I find THIS to be the most prolific part of what keeps actors treading water, standing still, and generally not getting as far as they’d like.  It’s got nothing to do with talent and everything to do with taking aim at something concrete and measurable.  You don’t want to miss (fail, fall short, etc) so you rarely set short-term, realistically achievable and measurable goals.

The thing that’s interesting about aims is that even though they’re not hard at all, many times we don’t stick to them 100%. To be totally candid here and call myself out, I grapple with this same issue.  An effective aim is intentionally designed to stretch you outside your comfort zone, and though Act Outside the Box as a company is completely designed intentionally for this purpose, heck…well, I’m only human too!

So I offer you a VERY important point about this concept:

There’s no way for an aim to “go wrong.” See, taking an aim is always a win-win situation.

Here’s why…

Let’s suppose you stick to your aim for the entire time you targeted. By doing this, you will have developed power around your intention. The result will be that you can achieve more, faster in your career (and life in general), including taking more challenging aims in the future. You’ll develop habits around taking action in the areas that mean the most to you and the payoffs can be sweeeeet!

But what if you’re like me and are “hit and miss” with sticking with your aims?

How can that be a good thing?

Here’s how…

When you take an aim, your conscious and subconscious mind go on “hyper alert.” You become significantly more aware of this particular intention you’ve set forth. And when you declare it publicly (like I do and recommend), you’re paying even more attention.

When I work with my AAP clients, we set weekly goals and make promises around actions.  Very few of my actor clients accomplish all of the weekly tasks designed to move them forward, but that’s OK…they are AIMING, hitting some, missing others and
their increased state of awareness enables them to notice things they wouldn’t normally notice.  Lessons are learned, corrections are made, and in general, the actors I work with are HAPPIER with the process of attaining their dreams because they are on purpose and on track to realizing them.  All because they’ve set smaller specific and measurable goals.

When you begin to notice your aim more clearly, your own awareness extends to all aspects of your life, not just your acting career. You’ll notice a lot of things more fully and frequently.

And when you don’t stick to an aim, you’ll notice it too…

You’ll eventually (with practice) become naturally curious and question why you were unable to stick to such a “simple” and “easy” goal that you know is possible for you to attain. That curiosity will lead you deeper into yourself, and ultimately, enable you to uncover whatever blockages were preventing you from sticking to that aim.

For every aim I’ve missed, I’m deeply grateful…

Each aim I’ve missed has shown me aspects of myself I would have not seen otherwise…

Each aim I’ve missed has helped me take one step closer towards living my ideal life…

And each aim I’ve missed has helped me become more of the person I am.

Since I like me, I see that as a good thing. 🙂

One of the most powerful practices I know for changing your career is when we take aim at something. I’ve often said “most actors don’t get what they want, because they don’t know what they want.” Simply put, choosing a short-term, realistically achievable goal with an end date can be a challenge in and of itself.

As many actors as there are in this business, there are even more possible aims that can be taken. Remember though, it is imperative that an aim be realistically achievable. The intention is not to create a huge challenge, but rather, a challenge that is just slightly outside your comfort zone.

It’s also important to put an end-date on your aim. This kind of specificity will help ensure your success.

So with that in mind, here’s an exercise for you to try…

  1. Write down 5 aspects of your career you’d like to see improvement in.
  2. Next, prioritize them in order of importance.
  3. Pick the most important one and decide what you will do, how frequently you will do it, and for how many days or weeks you’ll take that aim.
  4. Lastly, declare your aim to at least one other person.

My recommendation is actually to declare it to as many people as is realistically possible. If you’re feeling courageous, or you really want to get moral support to achieve your aim, consider posting it on Facebook or by commenting on this blog.

If you’re really out to achieve some magnificent goals in the coming year, I’m available to support you via my AAP program.  To your success, Lisa

7 Ways to Make Cover Note Writing More Fun and Easy

As much as we want the reader of our cover note/letter to “get us” and call us in for an audition or possible representation, for many actors writing the cover note/letter is a chore.  Here’s 7 ways to put some joy into your fingertips.

1. Take a few minutes to write about what’s on your mind first. When you sit down to write, clear away anything that’s floating around in your head by writing about it. Is your acting class a drag, your next door neighbor cute, your mailman creepy, your coffee delicious? Not only does writing about these things help get them out of your head, but you easily and naturally get into the flow of writing.

2. Write from a picture that inspires you. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Take any picture that relates to your goals and dreams and use it as your inspiration. Meryl Streep your favorite actress?  A beautiful house on the beach where you’d like to be?  Someone walking the red carpet? What about the picture of the actual industry professionals are writing to?  Google images is a wonderful resource…find them, then either print them out or have them on your computer screen as you begin your note/letter.

3. Use a writing prompt. In grade school, teachers used written exercises to get students writing. You can easily create a prompt by imagining you’re in the office of the person you are writing to and that they are asking about YOU and what you offer.  Then write your answers as you would speak them out loud. One of my favorites is, “Tell me a little bit about yourself.” You could also respond to the prompt of “Who else in the industry knows your work?” Just respond to the prompt, and see what comes of it. Like using a picture, this technique opens another door in your mind that allows you to think differently, and perhaps see options that weren’t there before to include in your note.

4. Just get it out. Remember that the first draft of anything written is NOT going to be perfect, so have fun with it! There’s no reason to struggle over your exact phrasing or sequence when you’re just going to go back over it and edit anyway. Stop critiquing your work so much, focus on getting the idea out, and play with the words

5. Try emulating an actor you admire. Think about why you like his/her work and then model what they might say in a note.  Does he/she write and speak beautifully?  Does he/she entertain when being interviewed on Letterman? Many actors have authored books and articles and post on the internet and have a great way with words.  By pinpointing the things that you like you are able to bring these elements into your own writing.

6. Write out your plan first. It’s easier to outline what you’re going to write about rather than the actual writing of it.  Are you going to write a quick note with bullet points of recent projects?  Are you introducing yourself with a letter that includes reviews and bio information?  How much is too much and how much is not enough? By planning first, you get more excited about the task, spurring the birth of more ideas. It also helps if you remember WHY you’re writing in the first place.  What’s the ultimate outcome you want to produce?  What exact ACTion on the reader’s part do you want them to take?

7. Reward yourself. This is a huge one! After writing out your plan, decide when and how to reward yourself. For example, after writing 6 cover notes/letters you can go out and get yourself a treat (whatever it is that makes you happy). Not only does this serve as inspiration to get those notes finished, but by rewarding your own successes you are establishing an invaluable system that can only generate more success!

Take these tips and try them out for yourself. See which ones work for you, and toss out the ones that don’t. And remember, when you’re frustrated or things aren’t flowing, let yourself laugh, and breathe.

I’d love to hear from some of you any tip, tricks, or techniques that you use to accomplish the “task” of cover note/letter writing.  Please share them with the rest of our community by posting a comment!  To your success, Lisa

My Big 5-0y Vey Birthday

I know it sounds odd, but I’ve been looking forward to turning 50 since I turned 49!  I’ve been telling everyone that “I’m almost 50 or it’s only 6 months until I’m 50” for a while now.  I’ve reverted back to a time, like when I was a kid, when it was COOL to be older.

In our youth obsessed world, reflected HEAVILY in our show BUSINESS as well, I guess I’m an exception…but I have noticed that there’s been a shift of late.  It seems that finally, as a society, the tables are starting to turn.

When I look at the Fall TV line-up of shows, some of the movies that have come out recently and the opening of my friend Donna’s off-B’way show, Cougar the Musical, I see the dawn of a new AGE (pun intended!)

We are embracing characters who are heavy set, gay, tattooed, pierced, odd, a variety of ethnicities, and yes, OLDER.  We’ve come a long way from a time where the cookie cutter perfect and ideal TYPES of folks we watched as entertainment has now expanded to include  “regular” looking  people who reflect our general population…yes indeedy – art is FINALLY imitating life!

So why did it take so long?  I think reality TV has had a hand in it.  It used to be that we consumed entertainment as an escape from reality.  Then along came the concept that watching real people in real situations with real problems was just as entertaining (and cheaper to produce!).  Now our scripted material for actors has transformed to follow suit.  That’s good news for everyone who has a desire to act, express themselves and offer their talent who may be slightly “less” than perfect in appearance.

So what does any of this have to do with me turning 50?  It means that in the next half of my life, I have the exact same possibilities open to me that I had when I was younger!  I often receive emails from “older” actors bemoaning the lack of roles or opportunities available as they have grown older, but I honestly think just the opposite is true.  In fact actors entering the marketplace between the ages of 55 and 64 have increased by 300% from over a decade ago.  People often choose acting as a “second career” after they’ve retired from the first one.  They have more time and money resources than younger actors just out of school and are more likely to “hang in there” longer.  Life experience also shows them that NOTHING is overnight, EVERYTHING takes longer than we expect, and that it’s just as much fun on the journey, as it is getting “there”…wherever that is!

I’m looking forward to creating opportunities on both coasts now that I’m traveling between markets.  I’m looking forward to more commercial work as my age range is in DEMAND for the sale of products to baby boomers.  I’m looking forward to enjoying myself on the journey, as I myself have come to KNOW that this career works best when my mind is in the right place. I’m looking forward…period!

My birthday party in New York was on 9/27 but my actual date of birth is 10-10-62, so it’s just around the corner!  I can’t wait to celebrate it with friends, family and YOU!  CLICK HERE to see the awesome pictures taken last week and check back later for images of a very happy girl (who is having a wine bottling party!) after the fact.

I’d also love to hear your comments about how you feel about age and your career.  Do you think it has anything to do with you being cast or not?  How about your weight, your ethnicity, or any other characteristics that are a part of you…that isn’t your talent?  What do you THINK about these things and the impact it makes on your success? – Lisa Gold

We Were Meant to Meet

In 1997, while doing a little dinner theater show in Boca Raton, FL, I had the privilege of meeting a woman in her late 70’s who was a dialect coach for the Yiddish required in the show.  She was a cheerful sort, very interested in people and particularly interested in teaching what was her area of expertise.  Who knew that this chance encounter would lead to a sort of Tuesdays With Morrie relationship that has lasted 15 years and provides each of us with exceptional joy and exchange of powerful value in our lives.

I just returned from another visit with Miss Fay, who at almost 90, is probably the most inspirational living person that I personally know.  She thinks and speaks about living, not dying, though she knows she’s close (in years probably, not health wise…) and the power of “Happiness Now”.  And she tells me, she was meant to meet me!

What I’ve come to find is that being gracious and grateful for the kindness, value and support the people we surround ourselves with doesn’t just make up our life, it IS our life!  For some, Miss Fay may be difficult to take.  She’s so damned cheerful, positive and in teaching mode, that a person’s natural inclination to stand anything that GOOD, makes most cringe, wanting to get away or find fault.  Why is that?

Well, at the beginning it was kind of like that for me too.  I kept looking for the fault, the thing that would make her human, the resentment she held, the prejudice, the hurt…but it never showed itself.  Early on I resisted her showing me the way to properly hold a mixing spoon (I know how to hold a mixing spoon, damnit!) or how to peel a hard boiled egg.

Now I can’t wait to stand in her kitchen as she slowly and deliberately offers advice on proper containers for different kinds of food or which spice to add first, the pepper or the bay leaf.  Now I soak up every bit of positivity I can because I know I am in the presence of a rare find, a gem, a guru, a true soul of a pure wise and giving human being.

I asked to put her on video to have her with me when she passes.  She answered with a firm no as she wishes to be remembered the way she was when we met at a youthful 78 and not her slow, more wrinkled and slightly breathless state.  (Ok, vanity being the most damning human quality I can find).  So here I will put the ones that I have permission to.

She also said I will always remember her because she will never leave me.  In physical form perhaps, but never in my heart.  And she is right.

We were meant to meet and I am blessed and honored to visit her when I can and soak up such love and joy.  I wish everyone could meet someone they are meant to, and share in the good vibrations that are available when you remain open to others.  You never know who is going to make a large impact on your life…you just never know.

I have a richer life because Miss Fay is in it.  As I write this, she approaches her 92 birthday.  I want to be her when I grow up.  A writer and a blogger herself, she longs to share her wisdom with more people and I urge you to please take a moment to see what I see.  It would be great for you to make COMMENTS as that will add to her happieness.    CLICK HERE to read what I call Fayisms.  And also comment on this blog to tell me about the people that you have in your life like Miss Fay.

My Cougar Weekend

I can’t believe more than a week has passed since I attended my BFF girlfriend, Donna Moore’s premiere of Cougar the Musical in New York.  I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

The process has been more than 6 years in the making.  Many readers have heard of this project via my emails and Facebook posts as I want and need this show to GO far.  Menopause the Musical is the “business model” Cougar is patterned after, though the content of the musical is VERY different.  Hhhuuum – menopause vs. hot vital women of a certain age – a no brainer!

It all started when I brought my gal pal to my friend Adam’s 30th birthday party.  The subject of my (possibly?) being a Cougar came up and though Donna had never heard the term, had been so intrigued by the concept, that within a week she had written a song…that which is now the title song of the show.  CLICK HERE to hear excerpts from a few other songs from the show.

6 some odd years later, after many OBSTACLES, producers, cast members, trials and tribulations with theaters, the union, and money issues, the show is going on!  This is a testament to Donna’s vision and mission of bringing the enlightened message about “love being ageless” to the masses.  The desire that this show duplicate it’s cast and tour the country, if not the world, is strong and shared by many people in my community.  Being with Donna every step of the way until I left the East Coast to expand my business, I felt a little disconnected at the end…the home stretch as it were, but Donna has assured me this is only the beginning!

So with this writing I am embarking on the next stage of the adventure with her and am so excited!  And isn’t that the same as an acting career, or indeed every experience that leads us to the fruition of a vision for ourselves in all aspects of life?  When I lead programs or coach actors in career matters, what I love to concentrate on the most is not the “how to do” but the “how to think and feel” about what there is to do.  (By the way, there is a LOT to do!) Really, the journey never ends and if you have ups and downs along the way, how you “hold the thought” of the experience you’re having is MORE IMPORTANT than the experience of it “turning out” the way you thought.

You know why?  It NEVER turns out the way you thought!  Its usually BETTER than you ever imagined…if you imagine it long enough.  The only way its worse is if you stop envisioning it and quit.   This is where regret, upset, depression and struggle come from.  Think and Grow Rich Acting is now my new centerpiece of Act Outside the Box.  I wish I could communicate this to more actors…that if you would only start with the THOUGHTS of how you want to FEEL when you get that agent, role, pile of money, recognition, golden statue…if you could create that feeling NOW about how you think you’ll feel when you have the vision realized, then you, like Donna Moore, will have the experience you desire ALL ALONG THE WAY!  Its a universal law.

You just can’t give up or give in to the negative thoughts.  Cougar the Musical is a shining example of a vision realized and I could blog about 600 more pages about all of the ups and downs and experiences (good and bad) that happened on this journey so far…but I won’t.

I just leave you with this:  If you want what you want, first figure out EXACTLY what that is.  Visualize it, Intend that it happen, Believe that it will, then be with the Experience of the journey.  That’s V.I.B.E.

I now also co-lead programs outside of the acting community for everyone who wants to realize their dreams with a company called Raised Vibration.  Our next program, Owning My Purpose, is scheduled for Nov. 1st through 4th in Phoenix, AZ.  I’d love to have you join me.

Cougar the Musical has an open ended run at St. Luke’s Theater on Restaurant Row in New York, Wednesday and Friday nights at 8pm and Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2pm.  My GREATEST desire and one I VISUALIZE happening is that if you’re reading this in an archive in 2015, the show will STILL be going on in many formats, with multiple casts, and is one of the best and longest running shows in recent theatrical history!  –  Lisa Gold

My FAB Cougar girlfriends, Donna, Ayodele, Renee and Moi!

I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts on the subject of being a Cougar, being a Cougar lover AND about being patient in the process of bringing something from a vision to reality.

P.S. – Ahem, I want to thank all of the beautiful young “bucks” who slipped me their phone number that weekend.  It FELT awesome and will look you up when I’m back in NYC!

Film Festivals – a Haven for Actorpreneurs


AOTB ShowBiz Insider News Week of August 20th, 2012 / Issue #7

From Sundance to the New York Film Festival, TOP filmmakers present their works to the world, but so do the “little” guys (often actor/filmmakers)…and they’re the ones to watch!

Even though the just announced main line up of films for the 2012 New York Film Festival boasts recognizable names like Ang Lee, Robert Zemeckis, and David Chase in his first feature film directorial debut, much of the attention brought by these big names is MOST beneficial to the smaller films screened.  Why?  Money.

Sick of me writing about the subject of money yet?  I hope not.  You can count on me FOREVER to remind you that you are an actor in a BUSINESS called SHOW BUSINESS and the bottom line in any biz is bucks!

Distributors and large studios love finding smaller films, produced on a shoestring, so they can scoop them up for a song and (hopefully) make huge profits.  Of course the films have to be STELLAR…great cast, great story, shot beautifully…the whole package.  This is a wonderful opportunity for actors with an entrepreneurial mind and business savvy to show their wares as actors and or producer.

Why it’s important to be an actorepreneur.

I admit that’s a made up word, but you get it.  You want to make a living right?  As an employee of a production, there’s always the “opportunity” to be out of work.  As an entrepreneur who truly CREATES work for themselves and others, well, you’ve ALWAYS got something to do.  In the world of Film Festivals, this is the chance for visionaries to be a part of the process of taking something from nothing to full fledged project.

Here’s a short list of prominent Film Festivals where you can achieve several of your creative goals at once.  Do a little research and see if there’s a fit for your vision.  The links take you to festivals that are currently open for submissions for 2013.

Sundance Film Festival

Atlanta Film Festival

Santa Barbara Film Festival

Miami Film Festival

Los Angeles Film Festival – Indie

And here is an amazing website that you can search over 400 festivals:  CLICK HERE or simply GOOGLE for yourself!

To access our weekly newsletter archive, CLICK HERE.

To Your Success, Lisa Gold

Success Stories

Acknowledgement in this section isn’t only for actors!  A HUGE round of applause please for one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Donna Moore.

Writing, producing and starring in her own musical for over 7 years in workshop form and cabaret, Donna’s vision is finally being realized in it’s off-Broadway debut this Sunday, August 26th.  After years of persistence and stepping back from the lead role to lead the entire production as executive producer, she has created Cougar the Musical a mega hit already in previews.  It’s my privilege and honor to let the “cat out of the bag” and also let you know Donna is my BFF girlfriend and I couldn’t be MOORE proud of her!  I love ya sista!  Check it out at www.cougarthemusical.com

Show Business Tips

Keeping a schedule.  That’s the biggest tip I could offer anyone in business and especially show business where we live in a very unscheduled environment.  We don’t know when our next audition is going to be or our call time for a gig sometimes even the night before.  So how do you keep on track with the every day items that need your attention so you’ll always be working toward your goals?

I recommend the use of a Gmail calendar.  I discovered this amazing tool that syncs to most smart phones as an invaluable way to put lists of activities in to actual time existence.  Schedule a block of time, open it up and list the things you intend to accomplish in that block of time.  BEWARE:  Things always take longer than you think they do because of interruptions.  And the beauty of the electronic format lets you move time from day to day or even into the next month with drag and drop ease.  Just go to gmail.com and click on calendar to see what it’s all about! If it’s not in your schedule, it’s most likely not going to get done!

Tony Scott – Life and Death in Showbiz

I have had my own success as an actor and entrepreneur in the world of entertainment, but certainly not on the level of Tony Scott.  If I had the deals with TV networks and was a part of such iconic films as Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop and the recent Unstoppable just to name a few, I’d be flying high…one would think based on all outward appearances Tony had it all and was enjoying it, right?  Most actors and others involved in our biz would kill for his position and lifestyle.

Tony Scott, died yesterday after jumping off a bridge in what authorities are calling an apparent suicide. He was 68. Wow, unbelievable.

Apparently being rich, famous and talented was not enough.  Apparently, the deep void he felt that had him jump from a bridge to end whatever suffering he felt, was much larger than his “success”. It’s important to say here that, in my humble opinion, pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.  Where can one access the path to a happy, joyous and beautiful life/career experience then?  It ALL starts with they way you think and the resulting actions you take.

I once had an opportunity about 15 years ago to become Tony’s personal assistant.  I was at a crossroads in my career, before I bought Actors Connection, and was looking for something that would facilitate what I considered satisfaction and advancement in my life and career.  I didn’t get the job (obviously) and went on my merry way, carving out a path that has been an awesome roller coaster ride with twists, turns and learning opportunities.  But I always wondered what it would have been like to work for him.  How did he create such a vast empire, contributing his many skills and talents to millions?  I make it a point to model successful people and learn whatever I can from them.

His tragic and unexpected death (alleged as I write this, but investigators have found a suicide note) brings me back to what I call my mission these days in the area of providing information and services to actors.  I have this thirst and huge desire to make an impact on the acting community through my programs and coaching.  Why?

Through my own education and experience I ‘ve come to learn that pursuit of outward success (money, fame, fortune, recognition, an Oscar/Tony/Emmy – fill in the blank) is NOT what gets you anywhere unless the journey you are on ALSO includes the “thinking” that keeps your head and heart in alignment.  After all, what good is having all that stuff if you’re suffering along the way, and may be suffering even if you get everything you say you want.

It’s not a cliche, it’s very true indeed, that the journey is by far more satisfying than reaching the destination.  Once you get to where you’re going,  you’ll want to find the next place to go.  Once you get what you want, you’ll want something new.  It’s the design of human beings.

This year I began creating more programs around the “context” of having an acting career instead of just the content of what to do.  Think and Grow Rich Acting and my new APP program are just the beginning.  I feel a pull to bring more awareness and enlightenment to a community that suffers more rejection and scarcity than almost any other…and that can be tough.  Tony’s suicide brings a big lesson to those that will learn from it:  Acting and show business are PART of our lives, NOT our entire lives.

Personally, I feel  my ONLY JOB in life is to be happy, whatever that looks like.  I could honestly give up everything I’m doing right now and do something completely different…as long as I was happy doing it.  But don’t worry, I’m completely happy so I’m not goin’ anywhere!  So I offer this question to you… Are you happy?  If you are, then there’s your reason to keep doing what you’re doing.  If you’re not, then you may want to look at earning a living doing something you truly love.  Try something else.  What?  Anything…but find your passion and purpose, then go for it!

Weird I’m advising actors to possibly stop acting, right?  Probably not good for my business.  But truly, I want you to be happy FIRST and FOREMOST, whether you get that acting gig or not, have that agent or not, or become a rich and famous actor or not.

My vast sympathy and condolences go out to Tony’s wife and 12 year old twins, and to the audiences that will miss his great artistry.  Tony, I trust you are at peace now.

To YOUR success and happiness, however you may define it.  Lisa

The Great News/Social Media Collapse


AOTB ShowBiz Insider News Week of August 13th, 2012 / Issue #6

Mitt Romney, Domestic Violence, Michele Obama and the Olympics.  There is no longer a division between Social Media and Mass Media or as we used to call it, THE NEWS.

If you an informed person of any kind (which will always make you a more powerful and believable actor), the consuming of information about world events and pop culture is essential.  How you consume it has changed, and very quickly. Being aware of the information YOU put out as “news” via social media should be looked at immediately.  Then later, what your publicist puts out will also shape the direction of your career.

On the same day, I received in my email in box, via Facebook, and on Television, some of the very same information.  What does that mean and why should you care as an actor?  Your use of social media in your life/career will heavily influence the perception of your already and future audiences, thus you’d better be very careful with what you put “out” there.  And if you’re not using social media to put out news about what you’re up to, you are already behind the curve in a HUGE way.  In one way that’s good news, so read on to make sure you don’t “hurt” yourself from the get go.

Why it’s important.

Joe Biden is reaching out to raise money for the Obama re-election, not only with TV and radio ads but also via email and Twitter, so it’s “collapsed” together…any way to reach the public, right?

The Bourne Legacy movie (saw it and loved it) that premiered this past weekend was slated to bring in around 45 Million dollars but fell short of expectations due to the largest audience watching the Olympics closing ceremonies in history.  Attention, eyes, visibility…it’s all a competition.  News, entertainment…all translated to audience share which translates to money.

The race to get eyes on an event, a person, or make NEWS first is very material in a world full of cluttered messages.  What do people pay attention to?  The announcement of Mitt Romney’s running mate and which outlet would get the first interview with Paul Ryan was a Hollywood Reporter Headline that came to me in an email…the spoils went to CBS’s 60 minutes, who won out over 20 other media outlets all vying for the interview.

A new reality show, half in the can and ready to debut in the Fall, is canceled because it’s star, NFL All-Pro Chad Johnson is accused of domestic violence against his wife (unsubstantiated). The network, not wanting the risk, would rather lose the money upfront than take a ratings chance and fail.  Another example of the collapse of NEWS, Social Media and what we do in “real life” and how it all makes a difference.

Michele Obama’s hosting of a political fundraiser at Gwen Stefani’s house and enrolling the use of celebrities in film and music to draw a “regular” person’s attention to the Democratic cause is another example.  What is NEWS, real life, social media?  What is perception and how does all of this affect you?

Why you should care as an actor is that what you post on Facebook, what you Tweet, and how you act in everyday life DIRECTLY impacts your ability to have the acting career you want.  Eyes and ears on what you do OFF stage/screen as a “person” are completely related to your paycheck for work as an actor on stage/screen.  This is new…it wasn’t like this even a few years ago.

The easiest way to describe what there IS to do (gosh knows there’s not enough space in this newsletter to describe what you shouldn’t do!) is to just go with the following thought process:  What would make my mother proud if she were reading it on the front page of the local paper?

This doesn’t mean you can’t BE yourself…it just means to always be your BEST self.  The time to be “edgy, controversial, and stand out” is AFTER you have a million people in your corner liking you in your “real life” and on your Facebook page!  If you’re not there yet, then getting there will be tough if you’re snarky, rude, or behaving badly.

‘Nuff said…before I say too much!

To access our weekly newsletter archive, CLICK HERE.

To Your Success, Lisa Gold

Success Stories

A HUGE Congratulations to these 24 Act Outside the Box actors who were cast in “Saved by the Pole” and indie short film headed for Sundance: 

Joe Scanio, Joanna Bonaro, Danny Pollack, Nefe Nicole, Larissa Laurel, Ashleigh Awusie, Amanda Charles, Shannon Thornton, Gabrielle RyaLucy, Dolly Caires , Alexandra Bailey, Mahasiah Blaise Stephanie Riccin , Erin Wheelock, Joannie Lit, Jill Anne, Lori E. Cunningham, Tom Shewchuk , Timothy Hatcher , Joe Kramer, Leo Goodman, Rich Meinman, Tony Naumovski, and Andrew Kaen.

Show Business Tips – by Tracy Costa

In my never ending search for more time management tricks so that I can accomplish all that I want to do and still have a balanced life, my amazing associate and Goddess, Tracy Costa, handed me this one just the other day.  It revolves around the POWER of FIVE.  Tracy says “Lisa, do this and you’ll be a lot happier, and when you’re happier, I’m ecstatic!”  HERE’S the TIP:  You’re daily “To Do” list can only be 5 things. That’s it, just 5. If you complete everything on the list of 5, then you can look at your longer list and pick 5 more things. Only 5 more. You cannot add things to that list while you are working on the other items. Only when all 5 things are done can you add to the list. Oh yes, and breathe in between!

Raise Your Vibration – Energy is Everything!

Your personal energy is an extremely powerful thing that surrounds you all the time. It is everywhere and is a core part of us but most people don’t know how to manage it for their benefit. When I took a course years ago hosted by T. Harv Eker of Millionaire Mind fame, he said “Everything is energy and energy is everything”…and along side that he also said “The way you do anything is the way you do everything”.  So in my putting two and two together, I read into it that your energy determines the way you do things in the world….well duh!

I’ve noticed that a lot of people (actors) don’t even know that their own personal energy is directly related to their career milestones.  I’ve often heard people say of me that I have a ton of energy.  Well let me confess now that it almost always created, doesn’t come “naturally” and I have practiced generating it for years.  So to folks who don’t see me in the morning after a late night out, or after a full day leading a seminar when I am spent, I say to them…I created it and you can too.

Your potential as an actor lies just as much in your learning to manage and increase your personal energy as it does in your talent and skill set.  Honestly, what good is having all that talent if you don’t have the energy to market yourself, go to auditions or class, or muster the physical (and emotional) energy to STAY in this business through the many obstacles that WILL present themselves?

I’ve been working with vibrational energy a lot recently in conjunction with a good friend who has created a business all around raising one’s personal energy to increase the global energy on the planet.  Raised Vibration uses the acronym VIBE…Visualize, Intend, Believe and Experience.  I won’t go in to that too much here, but suffice to say, being AWARE of your personal energy and how you affect others with it, and how you are affected by the things you see, hear and think, ALL make a huge difference in the outcomes for the goals you have in your personal life and career.  Your personal energy is what allows you to live the life you desire and deserve.

The idea that energy can move and create is nothing new. Throughout history, different cultures have
benefited by tapping into and working with different forms of energy.  Eastern philosophies and practices that have seemed “mystical” are now much more accepted and common.  Holistic methods of healing are now sought out when traditional drugs and cures fail.  There is definitely something about this energy conversation…whether you choose to believe it or not.  It’s only recently that energy work has emerged in the West and for those who experience it’s amazing power, they soon realize anything is achievable.

And how does this relate to the art of acting?  Isn’t it that energetic connection that you are seeking when performing a scene with another actor, or the connection with an audience when on stage live and offering up your energy to move, touch and inspire?  In the end it’s ALL energy.

It also takes energy to DO all of the things it takes to get ahead in today’s show BIZ.  Look at any successful actor and they seem to have boundless energy.  Interviews, rehearsals, performances, photo shoots, special events and fundraisers, personal appearances…the list goes on.  Trust me, no one who is at the top level in the acting community got there sitting on the sidelines waiting for others to lead them down the path to success and a day “off” doesn’t exist.

Moral of this story is to find that place, space, and resource that provides and maintains the energy needed BEFORE you need it!  Really, right now is the EASY part.  When you are working at your biz, in your biz and on your craft DAILY, you’re gonna need it!

Check out www.raisedvibration.com for some great info and as a potential resource for your personal energy.  You’ll be glad you did!  Lisa Gold

A Personal Note to Women who ACT

Today I am writing you a very personal note because I have a lot of appreciation for all you do as a woman in the acting business. I don’t know the many roles you have played on stage, film or TV, but I know that being a woman in life carries many roles in itself when you are also a spouse, a mom, a daughter, a friend, etc. It’s sometimes exhausting.

Did you see the news report that came out today about women being smarter than men and scoring higher on IQ tests?  It seems to be because of all the “roles” we play, the things we juggle, and the people we take care of, including ourselves.

I want to share with you that I’ve been struggling for a few months now with the Superwoman Syndrome.

I didn’t realize that although I had done years of personal development work in my life, there were still limiting beliefs I held in place that kept showing up that told me that “to be successful means hard work”, “you have to just keep pushing through and don’t show any weakness”, “this is what you have to do for your family, your actor community, and all the others who depend on you”, “you have to be an example for everyone”…and on and on.

When my niece looked at me this past weekend in Las Vegas with an odd expression (we were there for her 4 day volleyball clinic at UNLV) she noticed how utterly exhausted I was and said, “Auntie Lisa, we don’t need all of the stuff you give me and mom, we just want to be with YOU and we want you to be happy.” I love that kid and I heard it loud and clear.  She really got me thinking about that. Why did I feel like I had to do everything perfectly?…why did I put so much pressure on myself to perform? Who says it has to be this way?  Why do I make up these deadlines I create that have me missing some of the most precious moments in life?  Are they really out there WAITING to hear from Lisa Gold?

The answers came through the questions that I asked, and the questions that my mentors asked.  It’s ALL made up!  And I can accomplish everything I say I want to with grace and ease…

But I have some work to do myself and I can’t teach what I haven’t learned.  Sometimes it’s not easy but I do realize it serves me in so many ways to play in this “gap” and become more and more aware of each moment of my precious and fabulous life.

I felt the need to plant a seed and share this with women in particular (hey, I know you GUYS have your moments too, but I’m not a guy!)…and share the pathway that I travel to start living my life on MY TERMS and with so much joy in my heart.  To live my purpose is always my goal.

I have a vision for the “New Superwoman”, the woman who embraces life on her own terms, redefining what is important and doing what nurtures her, tapping into her own femininity, inner passions and designing a life that fulfills that. It includes having peace of mind, a playful heart and a prosperous experience.  Always.

I invite you on the journey.

I’d love to hear from women just like you on how you overcome self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and tap into your feminine energy to create a balance of peace, playfulness and prosperity in you life, and your show BUSINESS, while juggling all that YOU do.

Please take the time to comment so that other gals out there who read them can draw on your experiences.  You can’t teach what you haven’t learned.  Time to share with our wonderful community!

I look forward to reading what you have to say and wish you all peace, passion and purpose!  Love, Lisa