Entries by Lisa Gold

5 Reasons Networking Isn’t Working for You

You hear and read repeatedly that networking is one of the best ways to grow your acting business not only from me but, well, everyone! It’s true and I have created many such networking opportunities/events over the years for actors to practice this essential skill. However, sometimes even when you try, the time you spend […]

Lisa’s Top Ten Networking Tips

1.  Be Prepared –  Great networking begins with great preparation. Bring your business cards, flyers, postcards for shows, etc. and have your “30 second elevator speech” about what you offer (instead of what you want) as an actor prepared. 2.  Arrive Early – Arriving early allows you to relax and focus on learning about the people […]

Are You Interested or Are You Committed?

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when time and circumstance permits. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; you take inspired action, and create miraculous results!”  ― Art Turock This is one of my favorite quotes because there are too many “interested” […]

What’s In A Name? Should It Be On Your Resume?

Let’s dive a little deeper into the psychology of your resume and the effect of names, or in fact the words in general, that you put on it. Of course your name should be on it…big and bold and at the top of a hard copy or PDF version along with your contact info.  Your […]

Rescue Your Resume – Before It’s Too Late

Rescued from what you ask? A HUGE and most common mistake! Thinking that your acting resume is nothing more than a compilation of all of your previous work is folly. Why? Because that’s not how casting directors, agents, or anyone else in the industry view it. Yeah, I thought I might get a “huuuhhhhh?” on […]

Your Roadmap to Success – Your Resume

It seems like it should be much easier to convey your artistry and skills as an actor than through the process of submitting a picture and resume online among hundreds, if not thousands, to even GET THE CHANCE to show what you’ve got in person to get work.  A lot has changed with technology and […]

Usage of Your Likeness and “In Perpetuity”

I’m all for actors working.  Of course I am and of course you want to work.  But what KIND of work? When I worked as a rep at 90210 Talent, I got a big taste of the different “levels” of talent and also the different “levels” of jobs available to actors directly and via agency […]

My Ultimate Reading List

Many people have asked me who inspires me and who and where I learned what I know so that I can then assimilate and pass on amazing things to you.  I’m always pleased when I get emails or see comments letting me know that what I write, say, or teach has made a difference in […]

Fame and Fortune. A REAL Look…

These days I feel very fortunate. As actors, we use the phrase “fame and fortune” a lot. We all know that the fame is about acknowledgment. But what about the fortune part? Is it really only about money? I don’t think so. Fortune and being fortunate, expresses itself in our daily lives in so many […]