Tag Archive for: Agents

10 Simple Ways to Earn and Save MORE Money

In case you thought I was going to include winning lottery numbers in this post, I’m not! (aaawwwww!)  The answers I have for you all take work, discipline and good old fashioned ACTion!

I love sharing ways to end the “starving artist” conversation.  So if you want more money, take a good look at these 10 simple (not easy) actions that you can take today that will, in the end, make AND keep money in your pocket.

1. Reduce the number of opportunities you pursue. Focus, focus, focus.  What are your goals? The more opportunities you’ve got, the more likely you are to make mistakes with investing your time (time is money, right?)  If you can’t give ONE opportunity the attention it deserves, you’ll lose money in the end.  This is usually the case pursuing unpaid “opportunities”.

2. Increase the percentage of time you spend marketing yourself.  Let go of the “little” stuff that occupies your mind and efforts.  Reduce the time you spend on paperwork, trade some “craft” time for “marketing” time, and give up other busywork you’re seemingly always involved with. Use the extra time to get yourself in front of as many people possible that can hire you via direct mail, email, social media and in-person networking. Read more

First Thursdays – Kick Off to the New Year! 1.5.2012

I can’t believe it!  You partied without me and it inspires me to know that the turnover of this event to Tracy Costa was FLAWLESS!   Fabulous industry guests attended and grace us with the present of their presence this new year.  Nadette Stasa, CD with Background/Foreground generously gave every actor in the room the opportunity to qualify to take her 3 week on-camera commercial class for F*R*E*E.  And as a special bonus treat for all, actor Richard Kline, probably most famous for playing gold chain wearing, chest hair baring, neighbor Larry to Jack, Chrissy and Janet on the 70’s hit Three’s Company stole the show, ahem, party!  Way to go Tracy, way to go!  I can’t wait to come back for a visit in February for the Oscars!  Can’t wait and miss you all, Lisa.  CLICK HERE to see all the pics from our Holiday party!

Box Office Friday

Wonder why I’m calling this “Box Office Fridays”?  Well its because movies The Dilemmausually premier (with some exceptions) on a Friday AND my  company is call Act Outside the BOX.  Seemed a natural fit and I love to do things with alliteration, number sequences, colors…you know marketing CAN be creative!

One of the movies opening today is called The Dilemma, starring Kevin James, Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Connolly, Winona Ryder and Queen Latifah.  This is a comedy directed by Ron Howard and here’s my dilemma – with this cast and director how can this possibly be anything other than a great movie, right?  We’ll see.  My theory being if it’s not written well, who cares?  A GOOD or even GREAT film begins and ends with the script.  I’m gonna check it out and see if writer Allan Loeb can pull it off. Read more