Tag Archive for: representation


Just like the struggle I discussed giving up in my last post, I also gave up effort.  I used to think that consistent daily effort without all the negative mindset and emotions that struggle brings was all that it takes.  Since then I’ve added effort-less-ness into this delicious mix.

I had to realize over the years that my thinking about effort and struggle as a necessity was off base, not helpful to my goals, and filled with mistakes. So with no efforting and no more struggle, what’s the switch I flipped to move in the right direction with grace and ease?  Inspiration.

Inspiration is often looked at as observing something outside yourself that moves you. Actors and audiences alike are inspired when watching great performances, which stirs something deep inside and that excitement causes a response, an action, a desire to duplicate what you’ve seen or even create something different and unique.  However, I’ve come to realize after much examination and practice that true inspiration is created, organic, and comes from within.

So how do you create inspiration?

The first step is awareness. When you are aware of a negative recurring thought you’re having, take a moment to reflect how it’s holding you back today. This thought is most likely years old and has quite a hold on you, and being on the look out and on purpose about identifying these persistent negative thoughts is key.

Once you’ve realized you’re having this thought, just let it go. YES, you can let it go. It will most likely come up again later today, and tomorrow and later this week. When it does, let it go. It’s a process, never ending, but eventually it gets better and easier to identify and let go.  When you’ve got the grasp of this you will begin to replace the negative thought(s) with a blank slate with which inspiration and creativity are naturally occurring.

Many times we don’t even realize so many of the things that are holding us back. After years, or even decades, they become invisible to us. Today you have a decision, a choice.

You can stay with struggle and effort or move closer to inspired actions that bring you greater fulfillment, greater calm, and better results. Which will you choose? I think I know, but I’d love to hear!

Are You Still Struggling?

“The battle of life is, is in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved.” – Samuel Smiles

Huuuuuuhhhhhh? I have to admit I used to believe in struggle. Although I didn’t realize it, I’d believed in struggle for years. Years. I would have some success and then find some way to screw it up to slow my progress. I would go forward, then back 4 steps, forward a few and keep repeating the cycle. It’s like I had to make things more difficult for myself then they needed to be. Have you ever done that?

What I didn’t get back in the day is that I bought into a really bad BELIEF about struggle. I thought things needed to be difficult and a struggle was necessary in order to achieve my ultimate goal(s). It’s a belief passed onto all of us from our environment; home, school, parents, jobs we’ve had, and other people around us, particularly in this business of show.

It’s a belief I see so often in the ‘starving artist’ community. Check this out:

You know that saying – ‘the rich get richer and the poor get poorer’? I’ve come to learn it’s true, but it’s only true because the poor have bought into the belief called struggle. Struggle is all about negativity. Struggle develops from a self image that doesn’t believe one’s worthiness to succeed. The rich know there is no struggle with regard to making money. If you haven’t already, I recommend highly that you read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill to dig deeper into this subject. In fact I created a great seminar on the subject called “Think and Grow Rich Acting” so actors could see these hidden beliefs and blind spots, identify them, and release the struggle.

But what is the origin of all of this often expected, and mostly taken in stride struggle? It develops from a belief around one’s worthiness. Heck, we all want to succeed, but do you believe you will, and if so, what is that belief based on?

Do you realize there may be some ridiculously stupid belief you bought into years ago that’s holding you back today from your best self? Yes, someone said something, and you believed that in order to have what you really wanted, it would be hard, a struggle, and you might possibly NEVER get it. Like that huge acting career, with an awesome agent that leads to an Oscar and a bulging bank account? Can you have that?  Only if you believe you can.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” – Henry Ford 

So what’s the opposite of struggle?  Stay tuned for my next post…

Your Happiness, Part 2

Happiness, by its very nature, encourages trust, spontaneity, optimism and enthusiasm. When you’re happy, you find that people instinctively gravitate to you and like you…and ALL of this on top of your great talent is a heavenly mix!

In my last message about happiness, I brought up the Law of Attraction as a big part of why successful actors are successful.  What I mean by that is, with a few notable exceptions, most “stars” or actors/artists/directors/industry players we admire, all got to the top because, by their very nature, they were happy to start with.  They inspire you to get to where they are.  Not because of what they have, but because of who they are.

But they ALL started exactly where you are right now, wherever that is on your journey.  How can I assume that they were happy first and then got the “goodies” i.e., fame, fortune, acknowledgement, Oscars/Emmys, great talent agents, money and more?  Because of how they speak about their beginnings and what it took, and still takes, to keep up the pace of being a successful actor/artist.

They don’t share the crap or the things they didn’t love that they had to do.  They didn’t say “I hated my first three agents” or “in the beginning I knew I knew more than that awful director I was working with” or “so-and-so is a total dweeb”.  No, they keep it light, tell only the good things about their journey and this is ON TV and OFF the air.  People who have “made it” are always speaking about how grateful, appreciative, and happy they are to be, do, and have the ability to act for a living.  You could do this too.  Hint:  you could start today and your life would look completely different by next week.

By the way, YOUR happiness is an inspiration to others. It’s a gift, just like your gift of talent. Everyone benefits from true happiness…everyone benefits from your happiness.

So let’s review. You want to be a successful actor? START WITH BEING HAPPY! How do you be happy? You let your natural, unconditioned, original self be revealed. You answer “How are you?” with words like “great!”, “so good the right words haven’t been invented to tell you”, and/or “do you have a few minutes so I can share the amazing 20 things that have happened to me today and it’s only 11am?”

Have a fabulous day…and always remember, speak your future into existence today! And be happy.

I welcome your positive, enlightened, and inspirational comments below.

Are Success and Happiness the Same?

I don’t hear many actors talk specifically about happiness. I hear a lot of folks wanting success…but isn’t happiness what success is supposed to bring? Let’s take a good look at actors and happiness.

When you were young your parents taught you a lot. You had many conversations that shaped your upbringing, your values and beliefs. All parents want their children to be happy (of course!) but few parents actually talk about happiness or know how to teach it. Also, judging from our day to day conversations in our community with fellow actors on the set, in a class or workshop, at auditions, etc. it seems not many actors are “happy” with their career.  This is even more true when speaking about your talent agent.  Rarely do I hear how happy an actor is with their rep.

Their agent/manager isn’t getting them enough auditions; they didn’t get a call back; the director of the show picked someone else for the solo; the subway/bus/plane/traffic caused you to be late…and on and on and on.

“How are you?” we ask and are asked all day long when we greet one another. There could be 20 great things that happened to you that day and two “bad” things and yet what seems to get the air time? The complaints. It’s, dare I say it, normal. And that’s sad.

Even folks hoping to stay positive use phrases like “oh it could be worse”, “I’m still in it”, “okay”, “can’t complain” and the like. So what’s the point Lisa, you ask?

The point is this: You have the ability at every moment in time to have the words you use directly reflect AND shape your happiness. You were BORN to be happy. Happiness is natural. As a creative person, it suits you completely. You look good and you feel good when you allow your natural state of being to pour through you. Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness simply happen. The entire world responds to your happiness.

When you are truly happy you are radiant and highly functioning in life. And most of all you are loving, which is the essence of true happiness. You’re naturally kind, generous, open, warm, and friendly. The best part of BEING HAPPY is that there is no fear, no anxiety and no doubt. ALL things necessary for this career…and indeed your life!

When you’re happy you’re on point and on purpose. And you’re also very REAL. Authenticity is key for actors right? After all it’s impossible to be happy and play small, hide, or be defensive. It feels good. Happiness is also very attractive in that it literally attracts great things, people and projects to you!  That’s the LAW of Attraction, one of my favorite subjects! (more on the LOA in future posts…)

What are your thoughts?  Seem to good to be true?  What’s your opinion around having your speaking creating your happiness? Or what about drawing aligned people and projects to you simply because you are happy?  Feel free to respond and share.


Are You a Happy Artist?

“The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” Allen K. Chalmers

This quote sums up my personal prescription for happiness! The activities I participate in, from hanging out with my friends, to feeding my dogs, eating fine food, to writing these blog posts, are ALL the things that make up feeling good in my life. My hope for the coming weeks and the rest of this year is that I continue to build a community and a lifestyle that reflects my passions – working with creatives, playing with animals, building businesses and relationships and oh yeah, having F-U-N! The stuff I LOVE!

It is my greatest desire that in this and the next several posts on the subjects of happiness, success, feeling good and more, inform the more content filled “here’s what to do next” kind of posts I also enjoy writing.  To me, the WHY and the feelings behind doing what we’re doing is just as important, if not more, than the WHAT we accomplish, get, or manifest.  (Although I totally still want that stuff too!)

In this life and in particular, this career you’ve chosen, you’ll never have any lack of something to do. That’s what being creative is all about. When you combine your love of creating/acting/singing or what have you with a nice healthy dose of hope, I’m certain the months ahead will have you jumping for joy as you experience a new ease and flow around your pursuits.

One of the ways to have this happen is to practice observing your thoughts and feelings around the activities you’re engaging in.  Although I’d love to tell you to only do the things you “like”, there are often aspects of this business that are unlikeable.  The process here is to “check in” to see if you can create “liking” the things you do. This way some of the activities like auditioning, practicing, working on your website and the seemingly mundane tasks you know you need to do, the “to do” list…will begin to get done. HERE is the only place you actually have control. Your thinking is what creates your feelings and how you feel will determine your actions.  Do some of the things on your list, check in with how you feel, see that it’s better/easier/faster than you “thought” it was going to be, and then the next time you do these new things it WILL be better/easier and faster. For me things shifted greatly when I took my “to do” list and converted it to a “to feel” list!

What kinds of things could you do today for your career?  How about one or more of these? —

  • Add a credit or upload new pictures to your personal website and/or submission platform(s).
  • Begin learning a new monologue, song or other material for upcoming auditions.
  • Set a 30 minute timer and work on your accent reduction, dialects, cold-reading skill or other “tool” you need to work on.
  • Research a tv show, director, agency, or casting office to gain valuable insight/info for your database.
  • Enter information you’ve learned from your research into you contact database.
  • Look at your audition record, statistics and begin a plan to increase your numbers.
  • Discover and learn some of the technology you know you need to master to compete in the digital world
  • Make a list of contacts you’ve been wanting to reach out to.  From that list, begin writing to one, drafting your cover note.
  • Create a plan of action around your marketing list.

…and those are just a few examples of doing something around your career today that will impact your forward progress and results in the future.  Remember —

Thoughts = Feelings = Actions = Results

Staying positive and engaging in activities that make you FEEL happy and successful is KEY.  Tell me your thoughts on this post in the comments!

Your Career MINDSET – Set up? Or Up-set?

I’ve used the term “Success” in a few of my recent posts.  I’d like to clarify what I mean by success.  To me, success is in your THINKING.

While most people look at their bank accounts, homes, clothes, awards and acknowledgements, having an agent or other “outward” symbols or signs that show they are a success, I have a personal experience of success defined by the way I feel on a daily and on-going basis.

I know many people, actors and others, who have an abundance of the aforementioned things in their lives, who are extremely unhappy, have struggles in their relationships and are on Prozac or other anit-depressants.  Conversely, I also know folks who live paycheck to paycheck, share an apartment with 4 other people, no car, no savings, no agent, no visible “stuff” to be admired and yet they are happy and know and believe that what they are working on or towards is inevitable.  Hummmmm.

Success is in your thinking.  And what you think is what informs how you feel.

It’s my humble opinion that the outward signs of success (that “stuff” again) are wanted only for the simple reason that once they are obtained, you’ll FEEL good!  And that feeling is success.  Hummmmm?

Well here’s the good news.  You can feel successful right NOW, without the stuff… and you know what?  Once you’ve figured out how to do that, the “stuff” will come faster!  How’s that for a mind-bender?

Here’s my list of the 7 Habits of Highly Successful Actors…and in my next several posts, I hope you’ll continue to read more and take a closer look with me into how your mindset will make or break you in this biz.


Be consistent and mechanical = no stop and start
(Out of site out of mind…it’s TRUE)


Hang out with other enthusiastic actors, participate in positivity
(Get out of your house, move away from the computer!)


Have a continued appreciation for the craft and other actor’s work
(If you’re not growing, you’re dying – there’s no in between)


Study, research and KNOW who the players are in this industry
(Names of people and projects, box office gross, deals and more)


Speak and think WELL of yourself and others ALWAYS
(Kill off the negative little voice in your head)


Have integrity in EVERYTHING you do
(Not the moral kind, the NOT cutting corners kind)


Have a PLAN for your day, week, month, and year in advance
– with room for adjustments, but committing to accomplishing them
(Most actors don’t plan to fail – they fail to plan)

If some of the above sounds repetitive, GOOD!  It’s meant to be.  I’ll keep on saying the same things over and over and over and over again until it sinks in.  If it’s already in, then it’s time to apply it.  If you’ve already applied it, it’s time to keep consistent with what works.  And rinse and repeat and never give up!

I’d love to hear your comments on what success means to you!

What to Know When Working with a New Rep…

Getting an agent is just the entree into your new experience as a represented actor.  If you’ve followed the steps laid out in the last two posts(1) and successfully secured a rep(2), you now have new responsibilities.

I know a lot of actors who unfortunately leave their career in the hands of their agent thinking that they can rest, and other than a quick “touch base” here and there to remind their rep that they are around, do, well, nothing.  Your job in marketing your actor services never ends and now is the time to ramp up your own efforts because you are represented and part of a team.

Here are some guidelines to help you stay top of mind in your rep’s thinking and assist them in getting you in the door for more opportunities. Your goal is to have them happy to work with you over the long term and you them:


  • Ask how often and the best method to be in touch – then do it. When you haven’t had an audition in a while, don’t assume anything.  Have a way of being in touch that works for both of you. Email?  Text?  Call?  When?
  • Respond to calls/emails for auditions immediately. This is PARAMOUNT.  Even an hour’s delay is too long. Confirm or ask for a reschedule if needed.
  • Be as available for auditions as humanly possible.  Tell them (book out) when unavailable. A huge pet peeve (that’s putting it lightly) is when you’ve finally been called in by the CD for an audition and you forgot to tell your rep you’re on vacation this week.  Booking out, even for a day, is necessary, as cancelling auditions makes both you and your rep look unprofessional in the CD’s eyes.


  • Network and meet casting directors, directors, writers and producers every way you can. This is a continuing process and includes you announcing to your list of these industry contacts that you have new representation through email, postcards, social media or all of the above.
  • Inform your agent and/or manager who you’ve already met in the industry who knows you, your name, your skill, etc. for more leverage. Make sure they know who you are already connected to.
  • Be engaged in education, training, research and development for your business constantly. Every business person who is in business (that’s you if you haven’t figured it out by now) is always learning what’s new in their market to stay with or ahead of the curve.


  • Become a wealthy artist instead of a starving artist or a “just getting by” artist by putting 10% of all income aside to consistently invest in your show business career.
  • Create a budget for your show (craft training) and another for your business (marketing expenses).  Then stick to it come hell or high water!  No money, no marketing, no business. Game over.
  • Spend your time, energy, effort and money on result producing products and services. Classes, marketing tools, online submission profiles and more are essential and keeping track of what you spend money on that works is too.


  • Failure to plan = Planning to fail. When choosing to become an actor for a living, you weren’t thinking of it not working out.  Having a plan will create a path to your dream career.  Not having a plan keeps it a dream.
  • Make long term and short term goals with specific with dates and numbers. Measuring and monitoring your efforts and seeing what you’re doing that is effective and what is not will show you what and where to correct…and when to stop or continue.
  • Create quarterly written business plans with benchmarks in time.  Review weekly. Take out the mystery of your career progress.  What you focus on expands (The Law of Attraction).

Working well and in tandem with your rep will propel your further faster when you employ the things laid out above.  You want that right?  I enjoy your comments on my posts and would love to hear you share your thoughts, especially if you are currently represented.  Did you learn something new?  What will you begin today?

Interviewing with Your (Potential) Talent Agent – What to Prepare Before your Meeting

Securing representation during the interview process should be your goal.  “Of course it is” you’d say to me, but I can’t tell you how many actors I’ve met, either interviewing with me or being coached by me, that have no idea if they have a rep by the time the meeting is over.  So here are some more steps to consider before, during, and at the end of interview process to be sure.  And to secure that YES!


  • Do extensive research on both the agent and the agency (or management co.) before the meeting. I often asked actors I met while working at 90210 Talent if they did any research on me before the meeting. 95% said no. The few that did had my immediate and full attention.  Not because of ego, but because I was looking for someone who was business minded like me who would take their time to see if we were aligned.
  • Treat the interview like finding a life partner. Ask the most important questions first. Ask questions about some of the things you found out about them in your research.  Be more interested than you are interesting.  Trust me, this works!
  • Have basic knowledge of the shows and projects their current clients are in.


  • Know in advance the answer to “so where do you see yourself a year from now?” Be sure, clear and concise.
  • Make sure you know the medium you’ll mostly likely make money in quickly (i.e. commercials, theater, independent film)
  • Talk just as much about financial goals as artistic goals.


  • Let your potential new rep know what you are doing on your own to make money acting. The thought that you can’t make money until you get a rep is backwards, especially in today’s open and internet driven marketplace.
  • Have your speaking illustrate what your acting provides other people’s projects.
  • Be confident in your value, artistically, financially and as a creator.


  • Realize they need you as much as you need them. You’ll be working together.  A rep doesn’t work for you and you don’t work for them.  There is no “I” in team.  So cliché but so true.
  • Let them know that will be continuing to do your own work for audition opportunities. This is more than simply taking classes in your craft. They want to know what you’ll be doing to continue to market yourself via networking and meetings.
  • Relate to them as your equal and ASK them to be your representative.

This last part is the missing link – the ASK. There’s a lot of fear around this and I want to alleviate it by saying that if you think and feel it was a great meeting and that you are mutually aligned on most if not all aspects, the rep will feel it too! If they haven’t already offered to represent you, do NOT walk out of the door without asking this question.  Instant respect, whether it’s a yes or a no.

If during the interview process you know in your gut that something isn’t aligned and that you have missing pieces to fill in or that you and the potential rep don’t have the same perception of what you offer or what’s possible for your career to mutual benefit, you’ll know this too.  TRUST your GUT!

In my next post I’ll offer even more things to consider while working with your NEW REP to keep you top of mind, in step with your rep, all the while keeping inspired enthusiasm for your new partnership, even though they will have moved on to find their next great client.

Comments?  Care to share?  Please do!

Why Do You Want an Agent?

We all know we want and need one, but what’s the real reason behind having someone in your court, fighting for you too?

You get to be one of the talented actors that has a committed partner in your career.  You won’t be on your own anymore.

You’ll gain access to those awesome casting directors and auditions that you otherwise wouldn’t. Stepping up a few rungs on the ladder to reach your dreams happens quicker because you’re part of a team.

The feeling of success that comes from working side by side with your agent towards a common vision – your vision – is realized.  The right agent is a faster track to you making a living with your passion and art.

Your resources and relationships will instantly expand.  With your combined network of influence you’ll experience the “whole being greater than the sum of its parts”.

Generally your casting opportunities for roles that are a pro-fit will increase. No guessing or submitting to any/every audition possibility on every on-line casting site.  You and your agent will have discussed and targeted the roles you’re most likely to book and are appropriate for.

Your agent will “push” for you when needed and get “feedback” on why it didn’t work out when it doesn’t.  Not all the time, but certainly when it counts the most.  This will speed your career up because you can correct and continue and learn how to make it better for the next audition.

Yep, the benefits of having an agent are plentiful.  Keep your eye on the prize and go after the kind of agent that you deserve!  Study them and choose wisely…they are not “one size fits all”.  Remember a pro-fit means PROFIT!

And up next – What’s in it for them?…YES, you want to know this too!

Feel free to comment and let me know personally WHY you want an agent!

Your Agent Has Feelings Too.

Remember how crushed you were when you had 3 callbacks for that pilot, were the first choice of the CD and the director, but lost the part to that name actor at the last minute? Sooooo crushed. Well your agent was crushed, too and that was the fourth time that same thing happened to one of her clients this week.  

And then it was that Network National commercial that she had two clients on “avail” for and they both got released, losing the booking. She talked each of those clients off the ledge, just like she did for you, while at the same time submitting on the breakdowns, closing deals for other clients who did book, and saw 8 new prospective clients at interviews.  She’s holding it together, but she’s ready to crack. Cut her some slack and know that she’s doing her best.

The greatest feeling for any representative is when you book a job. My highest highs when working at the agency were when the call came from casting with an “avail” for one of our actors, then waiting with great excitement and anticipation for the booking call to come. However, when I got “release” emails, or if casting actually took the time to call (rare), my lowest lows were when they didn’t book it.  I felt every bit of it, and then I also felt it again when I had to tell the actor. Talk about a roller coaster.  

I believe everyone is always doing their best and I want you to believe that about your agent too. Your agent is a person. There are emotional, financial, organizational and scheduling aspects to her biz that inform how she operates. She’s got a boss and co-workers, and then at home, her kids and dogs and a husband and, oh yeah, the gym and the book club.  Who am I kidding? There’s no time for a book club or even a book for that matter!  Again, being a representative is hard.

I know you want your rep to believe in you, take care of you and be interested in your dreams. But you believing that an agent lives to make your dreams come true is just plain stinkin’ thinkin’!  She is not responsible for your happiness or your success.  It’s her job to make her own dreams come true and it’s your job to tirelessly and passionately make yours come true. Choose to believe that the work, the marketing and the mindset is ALL ON YOU!  Taking control of your work (craft/business/networking) and being responsible for your own career happiness will have your agent calling you!  And doing all of these things to begin with, before you’re represented, will most assuredly give you your choice of agents and managers to work with.

Feeling good now?

To Your Success, Lisa