Power and Influence Created
in EVERY Networking Situation

If you’ve clicked through to this page, I’ll make the grand assumption it’s because you have a concern around networking.

Getting the low down on  improving and expanding your current network AND developing a reputation (a GOOD one) with important and key people, is what you’re after – am I right?

I love being right – but more importantly, I love to help.

‘Cause you stink at networking. 

OK, that’s not nice so I’ll sugar coat it just a bit.

You get nervous when approaching people.  The words are at the back of your throat or not there at all, and worse than that they’ll think of you poorly or judge what your wearing.

So you just don’t network.  Let’s face it, you’re scared.

Performing is what you do best, but you haven’t yet mastered the simple art of saying “hello” and feeling comfortable being yourself.  It’s often the hardest part – the being yourself.  Who IS that anyway? 

That’s what therapy is for. 

And since I don’t have a degree in that, I’ll stick to what I know and teach you THAT!  It’s called Networking Know How.

How to Know if This Course is For You

Over time you’ve come to realize that networking is a life skill, and not something you do only when you want something from someone.

You have tons to offer to the people that can “hire you” AND many others as well, are interested in connecting and making an impact.  You just need to learn the right words to say, and how to say them.

You’ve heard the phrase “It’s better to be interested, than interesting”, but heck you’re so darned interesting and you don’t know how to get that across – politely and with respect.

You definitely want to create strategic alliances with people of influence, as well as become one yourself.

Creating valuable lifetime connections with key players is what you’re up to in your career, and going about it properly and graciously is your plan.  Being pushy and creepy is out.  Yes, I DID say creepy (you’d be shocked to see what some actors think is networking –  I have too many stories!).

Learn Some Really Cool Things Watching this Program

  • How to look really smart asking any of the 3 essential ice-breaking questions that effective networkers already know
  • How to listen for and then PROVIDE what the other person is needing/wanting
  • Distinguish if the contact you’ve met will be useful to you currently or if you should keep in touch with them for the future (or neither!)
  • Take a test to learn about the 4 major personality types, including your own, and how to “match” the person you’re meeting, their energy, and read their behaviors for max benefit
  • Become remembered long after the event is over by following up with simple actions other actors don’t, or won’t, take
  • Learn how to create long lasting relationships that are of benefit to both of you, creating a win-win scenario for all involved

You Have Two Options Right Now

1.  Continue on your current path, wishing and wanting something or someone to come along and interrupt the same ole’, same ole’ path of your less than stellar career

2.  You can kick it up a notch, pull out your wallet and buy this video course RIGHT NOW, then take it at your own pace, even in your jammies if you care to, thereby taking the networking bull by the horns!

Your choice.

Do the same ole’ thing, have the same ole’ career.  Do something completely different, have a completely different career. True.

You’ll Learn When you Watch and Participate in the Exercises

This amazing video seminar course includes exercise worksheets, a standardized personality test for our community AND tons of resources for follow ups, all  for only $29.95. 

Yep, you’ll get the SAME great info that actors who have taken the live seminar do and without the hassle of scheduling and transportation costs.  This is especially appealing if you don’t live in New York or LA…hey, I want you to excel in ANY city or acting marketplace!

My policy is for each of my programs live and on video/audio, is delivering the best for the least.  I’m committed to ending the starving artist scenario you were born into (not YOUR fault) and getting this info out to as many actors as possible.  It’s my juice, my game.  Wanna play?

$29.95 Video Download

$14.95 Audio Download

Live In The New York City Area? CLICK HERE for info on the next available LIVE SEMINAR date/time.

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